People who are on the constant search and drive to make the most out of their lives are what you call risk-takers or adventurers. These people usually enjoy even the simplest things in life. But not everyone is fortunate enough to be quite outgoing. Most of the people may proclaim themselves as shy, timid, and an introvert. If you are one of these people and you want to show the world that despite being shy, you can still have fun and that a happy and colorful life is not an impossible dream to achieve. And probably one of the best ways to spice up your life is through the use of art. Art lives all around us. It can be found in a simple painting, a soothing melodx, and even scrumptious cuisines. But perhaps one of the most intriguing ways of adding a dash of color and "attitude" in your dull life is through the use of the ancient and fascinating mauri tattoos!
Tattoos are in essence "marks" made on the skin whether it is on animal or human skin. Tattoos made on animal skin are done for the sole purpose of "marking" or branding. On the other hand, tattoos made on the human skin have a variety of purposes and reasons. People of the ancient times usually tattooed people and their animals for the purpose of hierarchy, power, showing of their cultures and traditions. It is just recently that people used tattoos for the sake of aesthetics and self-expression. But that does not mean that the tradition of tattooing one's culture and heritage has gone extinct.
Even the modern people of today appreciate and continue to give life to their heritage and culture through the use of traditional tattoo designs such as the people of mauri tribe and others. The mauri of New Zealand are considered very close to their traditions and Aztec connection and ties. Their mauri tattoos are usually very intricate with quite unique and exaggerated depictions of gods and goddesses as well as all the beautiful things in nature. Tattoos are mostly imprinted all over the body especially the back. In the olden days, they also included body piercing techniques with the body tattoo as well. Nowadays, the tradition still lives and is becoming quite all the rage among young people most especially among the descendants of the mauri tribes.
The process of making and doing a tattoo is not your usual painting on the skin stuff. Instead of using just an ordinary paint or ink, a indelible ink is used. Indelible inks are permanent and will not come off no matter how much washing and tearing you do to your skin. When things get worse however, the tattoo made may be removed either through the use of laser surgery or through complete burning. That is why it is important to be extremely sure if you want to get a tattoo. Also, you have to be completely sure that the person that will do the job (tattoo artist) is experienced, knowledgeable in the art, creative, and always careful. These will not only help in minimizing the pain one may feel but it will also enhance the overall quality of the tattoo to be done.