The Interracial Yin Yang Tattoo Picture is courtesy of Cynful27 from flickr.
She wrote about it:
This is the tattoo I got yesterday. It's still healing, but I think it looks pretty darn good. :) It's at the top of my back in the centre. I've been wanting a tattoo since forever and a day and losing weight was my incentive. Well, I've lost some and I just couldn't wait anymore. lol I got this tattoo because as soon as I saw it, I knew it was the one for me. I've always wanted the Yin Yang and the Interracial is me to a tee. I'm a Hungary Canadian of colour. On my maternal grandmothers side her lineage goes back to the slaves and we lose it there. On my maternal Grandfathers side he was German, French, and a whole lot of other mixes (and he's black). My father is Hungarian and it goes back there as far as they can remember. So that's why the Interracial Yin Yang.
I hope you like it. If not, oh well, it's not on your back! lol I, happen to love it.
Legality of interracial marriage
Main article: Anti-miscegenation laws
While it is now legal in most countries, certain jurisdictions have had regulations banning or restricting interracial marriage in the past. These included South Africa under apartheid; Germany in the Nazi period; and many states of the United States, particularly in the South. In both Nazi Germany and certain American states, such laws have been closely linked to eugenics programs.
The number of interracial marriages in the United States has been on the rise: from 310,000 in 1970, to 651,000 in 1980, and 1,161,000 in 1992, according to the US Census of 1993. Interracial marriages represented 0.7% of all marriages in 1970, rising to 1.3% in 1980 and 2.2% in 1992. With the introduction of the mixed-race category, the 2000 census revealed interracial marriage to be somewhat more widespread, with 2,669,558 interracial marriages recorded, or 4.9% of all marriages. It should be noted that these statistics do not take into account ethnic groups within the same broad categories - for example a marriage involving a person of Japanese origin and a person of Indian origin would not be considered 'mixed'. Nor is hispanic status taken into account.
She wrote about it:
This is the tattoo I got yesterday. It's still healing, but I think it looks pretty darn good. :) It's at the top of my back in the centre. I've been wanting a tattoo since forever and a day and losing weight was my incentive. Well, I've lost some and I just couldn't wait anymore. lol I got this tattoo because as soon as I saw it, I knew it was the one for me. I've always wanted the Yin Yang and the Interracial is me to a tee. I'm a Hungary Canadian of colour. On my maternal grandmothers side her lineage goes back to the slaves and we lose it there. On my maternal Grandfathers side he was German, French, and a whole lot of other mixes (and he's black). My father is Hungarian and it goes back there as far as they can remember. So that's why the Interracial Yin Yang.
I hope you like it. If not, oh well, it's not on your back! lol I, happen to love it.
Legality of interracial marriage
Main article: Anti-miscegenation laws
While it is now legal in most countries, certain jurisdictions have had regulations banning or restricting interracial marriage in the past. These included South Africa under apartheid; Germany in the Nazi period; and many states of the United States, particularly in the South. In both Nazi Germany and certain American states, such laws have been closely linked to eugenics programs.
The number of interracial marriages in the United States has been on the rise: from 310,000 in 1970, to 651,000 in 1980, and 1,161,000 in 1992, according to the US Census of 1993. Interracial marriages represented 0.7% of all marriages in 1970, rising to 1.3% in 1980 and 2.2% in 1992. With the introduction of the mixed-race category, the 2000 census revealed interracial marriage to be somewhat more widespread, with 2,669,558 interracial marriages recorded, or 4.9% of all marriages. It should be noted that these statistics do not take into account ethnic groups within the same broad categories - for example a marriage involving a person of Japanese origin and a person of Indian origin would not be considered 'mixed'. Nor is hispanic status taken into account.