Johnny Depp’s tattoos express his quirky personality and sense of humor. A banner on his arm that used to read “ Winona forever”, in honor of actress Winona Ryder, was altered – or should we say edited – after his breakup with Ryder and now reads “Wino forever”! Depp’s other tattoos include a tribute to his mother and his daughter, a skull on his ankle with the words “Death is certain”, and, most puzzling, the number 3 between his thumb and index finger! These and other celebrity tattoos are great examples of how the art of tattooing can be adapted to individual taste and expressions of personality. Celebrity tattoos have been instrumental in the rehabilitation of this ancient art, making it attractive and acceptable for the rest of us.

Justin Timberlake is a celebrity that is no stranger to tattoos either.
He has 6 tattoo designs on his body, including a cross tattoo on his shoulder, a guardian angel tattoo on his back, some Chinese characters and an Aquarius tattoo.

Mel C has about 10 tattoos on her body, primarily designs with an Eastern origin. She's got a lotus flower, a tribal phoenix, a Chinese dragon, a Celtic cross, a Celtic armband, a star tattoo, an English writing tattoo and 2 Tibetan writing tattoos.

Critics are quick to point out that Jolie broke one of the cardinal rules of tattooing – she incorporated the name of her former husband in a prominent tattoo design on her upper arm, and then had to undergo a painful and tedious laser tattoo removal treatment after they broke up (she had more tattoos removed).
Angelina Jolie’s tattoos can also be a bit of a challenge for movie makeup crews to cover up – putting all that aside, though, they are a creative and fascinating expression of her individuality and personal philosophy. Examples include a saying in Arabic that means “will” or “determination”, and the phrase “know your rights” in gothic letters across the top of her back.